A former world-class boxer turned Las Vagas diner owner, is visited by a desperate young fighter in this short neo noir film.
Director and writer Andy Kastelic has worked on a number of award-winning shorts with his production company Balian Pictures and his passion for storytelling and cinema continues to be the spark for his filmmaking. This twenty minute flick may technically be a short, but it packs in a bunch of good material, despite not being the most original or exciting film at times.
We open with an effective establishment of setting and tone, with a radio announcer commentating on one of Blue’s (Forcinito) old boxing matches, along with a medium long shot of present day Blue on a motorcycle, waiting at a train crossing. In a similar style to Pulp Fiction (1994), we are also introduced to a young boxer escaping a match in his shorts and boxing gloves, running through alleyways and escaping a seemingly dangerous situation. Bobby (Leo) is in trouble with the scary Battleaxe Sue (Lorri Layle Oliver) after failing to take a dive at his last fight and needs a way to escape, seeking out Blue Boy as he believes to be the son of the once upon a time boxer.
Blue Boy is a beautiful movie with stunning shots littered throughout, presenting a clear stylistic vision from Kastelic. Vibrant colours through neon lighting seeps through every frame and although there are times when this choice appears a tad style over substance, it is difficult to not become mesmerised by the visuals. Parallel shots of Blue and Bobby shadow boxing against a black background in neon lighting mirror each other, as they move in what almost appears like a ritualised dance routine.
The film exhibits a dreamlike quality through its visuals and often meditative score, with its main subject being an aged boxer becoming acquainted with the so called son he never knew. Forcinito gives an excellent performance in this role, handling both the emotional and physical challenges of his character well. Nicholas Duron’s fabulous sound design weaves together a strong script with an upbeat synth style score, heightening the drama and action immensely. The climax packs a good punch with a well-choreographed fight scene, edited together with tight precision as Blue manages to find his inner strength, spurred on by the love his still feels for his old flame, Penny (Asbury).
Although Blue Boy does often feel generic and perhaps overplayed, with its highly stylised filmmaking and slow pacing during some sequences, the short still provides an engrossing watch with its good performances and engaging high production values.
By Emily Davison, © UK Film Review